Somerset County 4-H'ers Win with DAR
Somerset County 4-H'ers Win with the daughters of the american revolution (DAR)
Written by Calvin Embleton (Marketing and Communications)
Member of the Somerset County 4-H Crazy Frog Hoppers Double-Dutch Club Donating ‘Hero Bags’
Congratulations to both the Somerset County 4-H Crazy Frog Hoppers Double-Dutch Club and Arjun Kumar of the Somerset County 4-H πbotics club for earning first place in the local Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) contests.
Having donated more than 230 ‘Hero Bags’ to local medical staff and first-responders, all while observing COVID restrictions, the Crazy Frog Hoppers Double-Dutch Club won first place on the local level in the DAR Junior American Citizens contest for community service (group entry).
Arjun Kumar of πbotics also won first place on the local level in the DAR American History Essay Contest for grade six. With the theme revolving around the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Massacre, Arjun’s essay described what it might have been like to be a young person living in the colonies during the events that led up to the American Revolution.
Both winners deserve a round of applause and can look forward to moving forward to the New Jersey state contests, with the results being announced in March. Entries are being sponsored by the Elizabeth Snyder-Continental Chapter of the DAR in Green Brook, New Jersey.